Customs and Border Patrol’s Flu Vaccine Policy Breaches Basic Public Health Tenet

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol’s decision to withhold vaccinations against seasonal influenza from migrants in border detention facilities is a violation of the most basic principles of public health and human rights.

Public Charge Rule Threatens Lives and Public Health

The final “Public Charge” rule establishing new restrictions on immigrants’ eligibility to live and work legally in the United States based on their use of essential services will carry unintended and damaging consequences to individual and community health.

HIV Status Has No Place in Border Patrol Policy

IDSA, HIVMA, SHEA and PIDS call for humane, evidenced-based border policies that reflect the science and adhere to ID prevention and treatment protocols.

Declaration of PHEIC in DRC Should Spur Support, Not Fear

The World Health Organization’s declaration today that the year-long Ebola crisis is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern is hoped to raise much-needed awareness and resources for preparedness and control efforts across the region.

House Passes Labor-HHS Appropriations with Funding for Ending the HIV Epidemic, Senate Must Follow

The House passage of its FY 2020 appropriations “minibus” funding bill Wednesday supports and sustains important federal HIV and public health programs and offers essential support for the administration’s initiative to end the American HIV epidemic in fiscal year 2020.

Lower Health Care Costs Act Highlights the Value of Vaccines

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing today on the Lower Health Care Costs Act provides a valuable opportunity for lawmakers to address challenges compromising access to and uptake of vaccines that are among our most important public health tools.

Cross-Border Spread of DCR Ebola Outbreak Calls for Immediate, Ongoing Responses

Uganda health officials’ confirmation today of Ebola virus among family members who travelled from the Democratic Republic of Congo brings with it the realization of a concern that has been noted since the August 2018 recognition of the current outbreak.

Statement of HIVMA Chair Dr. W. David Hardy on USPSTF final PrEP recommendation

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s final “A” grade recommendation for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV represents a critical milestone for improving access to PrEP for individuals with health insurance coverage and to advancing the administration’s initiative to end HIV as an epidemic.  

HHS Fetal Tissue Research Ban Threatens Progress Toward Cure for HIV, Other Life-threatening Diseases

The Department of Health and Human Services’ announcement Wednesday that it will halt funding for research involving the use of human fetal tissue conducted within the National Institutes of Health, and review funding for research at extramural research universities with potential new restrictions, will significantly imperil our most promising strategies to develop a cure for HIV and other life-threatening diseases, while soundly undermining the administration’s stated commitment to ending the HIV epidemic.

HIVMA submits joint comments for Federal STD Action Plan

HIVMA, IDSA, PIDS, National Coalition of STD Directors, and Treatment Action Group respond to HHS request for information during development of the first Federal STD Action Plan, highlight high costs and key barriers to prevention, treatment and care.

Ebola Crisis in DRC Demands Immediate, Ongoing Investments

The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s North Kivu province remains uncontrolled despite heroic efforts on the part of international and local responders.

Allowing Discrimination, Administration Proposals Threaten Transgender Health and Progress Against HIV Epidemic

The administration’s proposals to weaken protections for transgender individuals that improve their access to health care, housing and shelter services are discriminatory, destructive and pose significant, threats to the president’s stated goal of ending HIV as an epidemic in the U.S