Testimony Submitted by HIVMA Chair David Hardy for the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Hearing on PrEP

Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony for the record on behalf of the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) regarding the role of drug pricing and associated drug costs as barriers to people at higher risk for HIV accessing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

HHS “Conscience Rights” Rule Threatens Public Health

The final rule released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Thursday affirming support for health care providers who deny care and treatment based on their religious beliefs reinforces stigma and discrimination, with clear negative impacts to the administration’s initiative to End the HIV Epidemic within the next decade.

House Subcommittee Spending Bill Prioritizes Ending the HIV Epidemic

The House Appropriations Labor-Health and Human Services subcommittee advanced a bill Tuesday that would provide essential support for the administration’s initiative to end the American HIV epidemic in the next 10 years.

Experts Call for Strengthened, Integrated Strategies Addressing “Converging Public Health Crisis” of Opioid, ID Epidemics

Citing the spread of infections linked to rising rates of opioid use across the country including HIV, viral hepatitis, skin and soft tissue infections, bone and joint infections and endocarditis

Vaccine Avoidance Endangers Individual and Public Health

The Kentucky governor’s decision this week to voice support for the irresponsible practice of deliberately exposing children to chickenpox as an alternative to vaccination is gravely concerning.

Ebola Hearing Highlights Global Health Investment Payoffs, Ongoing Needs

The Senate Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee’s hearing on the continuing Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo brought the unprecedented challenges posed by the current outbreak, as well as the responses needed before policymakers Thursday.

Administration Budget Proposal Takes Steps Towards Ending Epidemic, Undermined by Concurrent Cuts

The White House budget proposal for 2020 recommends increases to the domestic HIV programs at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration and Indian Health Services that will be essential to keeping the administration’s promise of ending our nation’s HIV epidemic in the next decade.

HIVMA and RWMPC submit recommendations for updating the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for beyond 2020

The NHAS has served as a critical roadmap for strengthening our nation’s response to the HIV epidemic, and a strong commitment to ensuring the NHAS’ continued relevance as an evidence-based and outcomes-oriented guide is important to not lose ground and to achieve the administration’s proposal to end the HIV epidemic.

Physicians Tell Congress: Raise Global Fund Contribution

More than 400 physicians and scientists urged Congressional appropriators to increase U.S. support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria during the international partnership’s upcoming funding cycle in  a letter released today.

Administration Title X Rule Counters Ethics, Healthcare Access and National Interests

Despite the emphatic objections from medical providers’ associations nationwide, including the HIV Medicine Association, the administration has chosen to compromise the crucial trust between physicians and patients, further erode access to basic healthcare

District Court Acts on Evidence Countering Military HIV Policy

A District Court injunction preventing the military discharge of two Air Force members living with HIV was responsive to medical evidence and reflected important recognition of advances in treatment for HIV

Spending Bill Recognizes Crucial Global Health Goals

The 2019 spending bill passed by the House and Senate Thursday that the President has announced he will sign, reflects a meaningful commitment to moving our country forward and to continued U.S. leadership of the fight against the world’s most devastating infectious disease killers.