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HIV Distinction Program, J.Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program at Emory University

Program Description:

1. PGY2 year: residents on the HIV distinction’s track will complete a full clinical elective (6 half days a week) at IDP as part of their outpatient HIV training. The elective includes in-person didactic sessions with HIV experts, as well as completion of CME self-learning training sessions on outpatient HIV care. Residents will also attend the weekly IDP provider’s meeting, where real IDP cases and high-yield discussions are presented.

2. PGY3 year (under construction): residents on the HIV distinction’s track will rotate at the SIS service (inpatient HIV/AIDS wards) for a month (ideally together). They will attend in-person didactic sessions about inpatient care of patients living with HIV/AIDS, and its most common opportunistic infections. Resident will complete in CME self-learning sessions on inpatient HIV care.

Program location: Atlanta, GA

Program Length: 2 Years

Program Director: Valeria Cantos, MD



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