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Statement from HIVMA Chair Wendy Armstrong, MD on the FY2017 Omnibus Spending Bill


Appreciate Critical Increase in NIH Funding and Sustained Funding for Most HIV Programs; Disappointed in Cut to Part C of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and to CDC’s STD Prevention Programs 

HIVMA applauds Congress for passing an omnibus appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2017 that boosts funding for the National Institutes of Health by $2 billion and largely sustains funding for essential federal HIV programs. In addition, we welcome the sustained investment in global health programs, including PEPFAR and the Global Fund, that are combatting HIV, TB and other infectious diseases and shoring up global health security and preparedness to respond to new infectious disease outbreaks. We also are pleased that the bill allows federal funds to support syringe service programs that reduce the spread of HIV and viral hepatitis among individuals who inject drugs and maintains federal funding for Planned Parenthood programs, which are the only provider of HIV, STI and HCV screening services in some communities.  

The bill’s $2 billion increase for the NIH is vital to keep our nation’s medical research enterprise on track for the necessary growth to ensure stability of current research studies and to accelerate scientific progress toward improved therapies and cures over the long term. The $276.7 million increase for infectious diseases and HIV research at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and $1.76 million increase to support the critical work of the Fogarty International Center will strengthen efforts underway to intensify our response to HIV and other infectious diseases. 

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program continues to play a key role in managing the domestic HIV epidemic with more than 50 percent of people with HIV in care receiving Ryan White-supported services. While we commend the bill’s sustained funding for most Parts of the Ryan White Program, we are concerned by the $4 million reduction in Ryan White Part C funding, which directly supports HIV comprehensive medical care for patients without other sources of coverage. This decrease in funding is particularly troubling at a time when significant cuts are being considered to the Medicaid program, which more than 40 percent of patients with HIV rely upon for healthcare coverage.

The $5 million cut to STD prevention and surveillance at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be a setback to efforts to curb alarming increases in syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia – all of which increase vulnerability to acquisition of HIV infection. In addition, given the availability of treatment that can effectively cure most patients with hepatitis C with 12 weeks of therapy, we are disappointed that funding for Viral Hepatitis Prevention at the CDC was not increased. With increased screening and access to treatment a National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine panel predicts we can eliminate HCV in the U.S by 2030.

Overall, we commend Congress for keeping our response to HIV and other infectious diseases on solid ground. We look forward to working with Congress and the Administration as the FY2018 budget and appropriations process moves forward, to ensure continued progress toward ending the harmful impact of HIV infection in the U.S. and abroad. 

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