Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Association Call for Evidence-based Decisions on School Re-openings

As societies of infectious diseases physicians, scientists, public health practitioners and frontline health providers, we recognize the need to balance concerns surrounding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with community concerns

HIVMA Chair Responds to U.S. WHO Withdrawal

The administration’s decision to withdraw from the WHO will not only leave the United States more vulnerable to COVID-19 and future pandemics, but it will be a major setback to our efforts to control the HIV pandemic here at home and abroad.

CDC Experts Need More Involvement in COVID-19, Not Less

Reports that the White House may be considering significantly reducing the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are deeply concerning.

Withdrawal of Transgender Protections in ACA Reinforces Health Care Inequities

The rules in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act barring discrimination by health insurers and providers against transgender people offered essential protections for a population facing significant barriers to health care.

Re-openings, Protests Highlight Need for Renewed Attention to COVID-19 Precautions, Prevention, Preparedness

As strict stay-at-home orders are suspended in states across the country and mass calls for racial justice continue to bring large numbers of people together, individual protective measures as well as responsive public policies and resources will be paramount to controlling the spread of COVID-19.

Counties With Greatest COVID-19 Caseloads Have Few or No Infectious Diseases Physicians

As the numbers of physicians specializing in infectious diseases continues to fall short of need, nearly two-thirds of Americans live in areas with little or no access to an infectious diseases specialist, according to a study published online today in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Response to the Death of George Floyd

The incomprehensible death of George Floyd has left our country grieving and demands attention to the environment of disparities, inequities and structural racism in which it occurred. As infectious diseases and HIV health care providers, we stand against discrimination in any form.

IDSA, HIVMA Ask Ambassador Birx to Meet on Remdesivir Distribution Questions

Meeting requested to address questions, inform planning for use of remdesivir, the only FDA-authorized drug for COVID-19 treatment.

Health Heroes Act Addresses Critical COVID-19 Needs, Should be Strengthened

H.R.6800, the Health Heroes Act, includes policies and investments that would bolster the federal response to COVID-19, increase testing capacity and availability of medical supplies and address the disparate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations.

Remdesivir Distribution to States is a Step in the Right Direction but Transparency Remains Paramount

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decision allowing state health departments to distribute limited supplies of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 where they are needed will support fair and equitable access to the drug.

With Lives at Stake, IDSA calls on White House to Follow and Support the Guidance of Our Nation’s Public Health Experts

Strong and specific federal guidance is critical to protecting our country, our communities, our health and our lives in the face of the still escalating impacts of COVID-19 across the United States.

IDSA, HIVMA Call for Transparency, Equitable Remdesivir Access

With FDA emergency authorization of remdesivir to treat COVID-19, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association are calling on Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials to provide public transparency in the process for determining how and where the medication is distributed