Paper Describes Unique Opportunities for ID, HIV Professionals to Inform Improved Public Health Responses

A paper jointly published in Clinical Infectious Diseases and the Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases describes how the frontline experiences and perspectives of infectious diseases and HIV health care professionals have made pivotal differences to critical public health responses, from informing domestic and global efforts to prevent and contain pandemics

Order to Reclassify Civil Service Posts Will Compromise Responses to Public Health Threats

The executive order signed last week that strips protections from our nation’s civil service workforce comes at a time when the critical role of career staff in guiding federal responses to public health needs could not be more clear.

Routine HIV Screenings Decreased, Patients With Acute HIV Infections Increased In Chicago ERs During COVID

New research from a team of experts in Chicago shows a significant increase in the number of patients with acute HIV infections who sought treatment in their emergency department, possibly out of a fear of COVID-19, according to a study being presented at IDWeek 2020. Routine tests for HIV went down during this period.

Societies Urge FDA Advisory Committee to Maintain Standard, Existing and Transparent Process for COVID-19 Vaccine Review

The authorization or licensure of a COVID-19 vaccine must include the highest standards of thorough and transparent review to ensure the safety and effectiveness as well as the acceptance and uptake of an immunization against the novel coronavirus.

IDSA Supports Leading Health Authorities in Calling for Safe Celebrations this Holiday Season

In communities seeing rising numbers of new coronavirus infections, illnesses and deaths, as well as in areas thankful for hard-earned gains against the pandemic, protecting yourselves and each other must remain at the center of holiday plans this season to curtail the spread and resurgence of COVID-19.

Health Care Service Innovations Propelled by the Pandemic Offer Permanent Promise, Journal Papers Show

While posing potential and realized disruptions to a range of health services, the COVID-19 pandemic also drove the accelerated development of promising and responsive health service delivery innovations, two papers published this month in Clinical Infectious Diseases show.

“Herd Immunity” is Not an Answer to a Pandemic

Promoting the concept of “herd immunity” as framed in a recently circulated document as an answer to the COVID-19 pandemic is inappropriate, irresponsible and ill-informed. “Community immunity,” or “herd immunity,” a goal of vaccination campaigns, should never come at the cost of planned exposure to infection of millions of additional people

Medical Societies Call for Treatment Approvals Based on Science

While the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 continue to highlight needs for new and proven tools to combat the spread and effects of this novel coronavirus, the development, evaluation and use of treatment strategies must be guided by science.

HIVMA Names Rajesh Gandhi, MD, FIDSA as Chair of its Board of Directors

The HIV Medicine Association is pleased to announce the election of six members to its Board of Directors and to name Rajesh Gandhi, MD, FIDSA as its new Chair.

Groups Call for FDA to Maintain Independent Authority, Transparency in COVID-19 Vaccine Approvals

In a letter to U.S. Food and Drug Administration leaders today, more than 90 organizations representing physicians and other health providers, as well as scientists, patients and medical advocates, urge the agency to ensure that reviews of COVID-19 vaccine candidates meet all regulatory standards prior to authorization or licensure.

The 75th United Nations General Assembly Opening Underscores Needs for Multilateral Health Responses

As the United Nations General Assembly opens for the first time in its 75-year history without an on-site gathering of world leaders, the critical need for international collaboration to end the current pandemic and prevent the next one should be clearer and more compelling than ever.

Infectious Diseases and HIV Specialists Call for Urgent Policy Action to Reduce Harms of Injection Drug Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In a new policy paper, IDSA and HIVMA call for urgent action to reduce illness and death associated with the overlapping epidemics of injection drug use and infectious diseases, outlining key steps needed now more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic.