Chair of HIV Medicine Association Responds to President Biden’s Proposed Budget, Funding to End HIV as an Epidemic

“President Biden’s budget proposal, with a request for $670 million for expanded access to antiretroviral treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis -- PrEP -- to prevent HIV transmissions as well as improved access to routine and critical health services

HELP Act Will Bolster HIV Workforce and Bring Nation Much Closer To Ending HIV Epidemic

The HIV Medicine Association and the Infectious Diseases Society of America applaud the introduction of legislation on Friday by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-AL) to address the critical shortage of clinicians and dentists caring for people with HIV

House Passage of American Rescue Plan Offers Crucial Resources at a Critical Moment

The Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan passed by the House Saturday reflects priorities important to the Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association, and is responsive to recommendations and concerns voiced by us

Response from HIVMA Chair Rajesh T. Gandhi, MD, FIDSA to President Biden Lifting the Ban on Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military

President Biden’s actions to prevent and address discrimination against LGBTQ individuals are important steps forward for equality and for public health. The executive order signed today that lifts the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military

HIVMA Chair Honors the Contributions of Dr. John G. Bartlett to HIV Care, Research and Policy

“HIVMA honors the life and legacy of Dr. John G. Bartlett, a visionary leader in infectious diseases, a role model who devoted his life to advancing HIV clinical care, research and humane policy to improve the lives of people with HIV.

Executive Order on Masks Offers Opportunity to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve

The Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association strongly endorse the executive order signed by President Biden today requiring face masks on federal property and other areas of federal authority for the next 100 days to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Leadership and Funding Can Meet the Challenges of COVID-19: A Vaccine Strategy, Investments in Public Health Are Needed to Stop the Spread of the Virus

The Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association strongly support the incoming Administration’s request for $400 billion to strengthen our pandemic response and safely reopen schools.

Accelerated Vaccine Rollout Is Critical to Pandemic Control: Resources and Collaboration Will Be Essential to Success

Plans to significantly accelerate COVID-19 vaccine rollout announced by the Department of Health and Human Services today represent an important step toward controlling the pandemic.

HIVMA Appoints Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, as Chair-Elect

The HIV Medicine Association is pleased to announce the special appointment of Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, as chair-elect. Dr. Haddad served on the HIVMA Board of Directors from October 2017 to October 2020 and is medical director of the Center for Key Populations for Community Health Center, Inc.

Address COVID-19 Vaccine Access Challenges with Leadership, Funding, Collaboration and Science

The current obstacles to swift and widespread COVID-19 vaccine access are impeding control of the pandemic amid soaring rates of infections, illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths and must be addressed effectively and immediately.

IDSA and HIVMA On Funding Package

The bipartisan bill passed by the House and the Senate and signed by the president provides urgently needed resources to confront COVID-19, funds critical programs across the government in 2021 and offers great hope for recovery from some of the pandemic’s damaging impacts in the year to come.

Response from IDSA President Barbara Alexander MD, MHS, FIDSA, to FDA EUA of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: Let’s make the most of this moment

The emergency use authorization of a second COVID-19 vaccine today means that millions more people can be immunized against this virus in the weeks to come.