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Board of Directors Call for Volunteers

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Call for Applications: HIVMA Board of Directors

The call for applications for HIVMA’s six open seats on the Board of Directors is now open. The Board of Directors provides critical input, oversight and guidance to strengthen HIVMA’s programs and policy agenda. Specifically, we are seeking applications for the following positions:

  • Vice Chair (four-year term rotating to Chair-Elect, Chair and Immediate Past Chair)
  • HIV Primary Care Clinician (1)
  • Adolescent HIV Specialist (1)
  • Infectious Diseases Specialist (1)
  • Clinical Pharmacist (1)
  • HIVMA Representative to the IDSA Board 

Important Dates

Application Opens: March 3
Application Closes: March 27
Elections Open House (Registration Required): March 17
Leadership Development Committee Meets: mid-late April
Candidates Selected for the Slate Notified: June
Election Process: June 2 - June 23
Candidates Notified of Election Results: late June

Contacts for Questions

Kristin Unwin
Program and Governance Specialist

Robert Goldstein, MD, PhD
HIVMA Leadership Development Committee

Director and Leadership Job Descriptions

Term of Office

Directors: Three years beginning and ending with IDWeek
Vice Chair: Four years serving for one-year in the following roles: Vice Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair and Immediate Past Chair

Method of Appointment

HIVMA Directors and the Vice Chair shall be elected by the voting members of HIVMA as described in the Society’s bylaws.


Director: HIVMA Board member
Vice Chair: Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee member


Reports to: Board of Directors
Staff Liaison: HIVMA Executive Director

Estimated Time Commitment

Hours per year: 75 to 80 with peak periods in June and October


  • Board of Directors Meetings (virtual: up to six one-hour meetings per year)
  • Board of Directors Meetings (in-person meetings: spring, all-day meeting in Washington, D.C., with optional advocacy day, and a half-day meeting in the fall)
  • Participate in working groups or engage in other activities to advance HIVMA’s strategic priorities
  • Respond to electronic communications including reviewing and approving policy positions or other documents (three to four hours per month)

Chair Track:
In addition to the Director commitment:

  • Participate in monthly Executive Committee virtual meetings
  • Review and respond as a member of the Executive Committee to policy and programmatic time-sensitive issues (two to three hours per week)
  • During the year as Chair, an additional up to two to three hours per week may be required to review and sign off on time-sensitive communications

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

In collaboration with the full Board of Directors:

  • Exercise duty of care: Act honestly, reasonably and in good faith
  • Exercise duty of obedience: Faithfully pursue HIVMA’s mission and act consistently with policies, procedures and bylaws
  • Exercise duty of loyalty: Act in the best interest of HIVMA and IDSA and disclose and avoid all conflicts of interests
  • Inform and advance the strategic direction of HIVMA


  • Maintain active membership in HIVMA
  • Prepare for, attend and actively participate in all Board of Director meetings and virtual meetings
  • Promote the association’s strategic priorities and initiatives
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the Chair, such as serving on work groups, reviewing clinical practice guidelines or other documents on behalf of HIVMA, or representing HIVMA in various forums and meetings
  • Protect the confidentiality of the Society’s proprietary and privileged information
  • Make an annual contribution to the IDSA Foundation

Experience/Skills and Attributes – Director

  • Recent volunteer experience with HIVMA or related experience locally or with another organization
  • Ability to think strategically: Anticipates future trends and can translate vision into clear and obtainable strategies
  • Ability to solve problems collaboratively: Contributes to group decision-making by sharing various perspectives, balancing analysis and experience
  • Ability to exhibit sound decision-making: Remains objective in analyzing complex and ambiguous situations
  • Ability to lead and manage change thoughtfully: Influences others and builds coalitions to support key initiatives

Experience/Skills and Attributes – Chair Track

  • Previous service on the HIVMA Board of Directors
  • Ability to display leadership presence: Projects calm, confidence and poise with strong interpersonal skills
  • Ability to think strategically: Anticipates future trends and can translate vision into clear and obtainable strategies
  • Ability to lead and manage Change: Influences others and builds coalitions to support key initiatives


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